Thursday, October 7, 2010

I Want This Mac

For a long time, this Mac has been on my wish list. Unfortunately, they're somewhat rare, and don't turn up much. It's the Quadra 700. What I think is really cool is that the floppy drive slot is vertical. This is because... You can turn it on it's side, and it becomes a desktop, instead of a tower computer! Haha.

It came out in 1991, and was the low-end high end Mac (Does that make sense?? Back then they had too many lines of Macs.) It had a 68040 processor at 25Mhz. It was featured prominently in Jurassic Park one of the computers that was used to control the park. (Cool, huh??!) Anyways, here it is:

And here's the Wikipedia link:

Thank for Read!

P.S. I found a link to a page that has couple of screenshots of the Quadra 700 in Jurassic Park!

Okay, all for now.